Tuesday, 14 July 2015

delays in Skate Park instalation

The long awaited installation of the new skateboard park agreed by the previous Liberal Democrat administration has been delayed at Victoria Park.

The Council had hoped to re-open the skate park in July however, as work progressed, contractors discovered large slabs of rock in the area being excavated. 

Specialist machinery has been brought in to remove this rock and extra work is needed to stabilise the ground afterwards. This means the park is unlikely to be completed until mid to late August.

The old skate park was over 20 years old and the main ramps had reached the end of their lives and needed to be replaced. The new design will continue to accommodate all small-wheeled sports such as skateboarding, BMX-riding and scooter riding. 

It will incorporate concrete bowls sunk into the ground which replicate the current large ramps in the park; it will also offer more ‘street’ features and a better ‘flow’ of continuous ride lines.

The skate park design was created following consultation involving local young people, children and their parents. The upgrade of the skate park is part of almost £500,000 in improvements by the Council to Bath’s Royal Victoria Park, including improvements to the play area and the public toilets.

I certainly hope that the opening will not be much longer as I have some eager grandchildren who cant wait to get a go on it.

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