Wednesday, 7 October 2015

New noise toolkit and app launched

I am pleased that with all the problems that we have had over the yeas with noise being created by som unsociable residents that the council have launched a new app to help battle this problem for many households.

Noise nuisance accounts for almost two thirds of complaints received by the Council’s Environmental Protection Team, but because it is often unpredictable and can happen at any time of the day or night it may be difficult for Environmental Health Officers to witness. 

The online toolkit and app will help people to gather evidence, so that the Council can,hopefully, help those affected resolve the issue without the need for formal action.

The toolkit includes advice on the actions you can take whilst noise is happening and afterwards. Amongst the ‘tools’ supplied are log sheets, template letters and the Bath and North East Somerset noise app.

The free app can be downloaded to your smart phone, and can then be used as an electronic noise diary, recording short audio clips, with date, and time. This information is then sent to the Environmental Protection Team who can use it to help with their investigation.

There are a number of benefits in using the app over making traditional audio recordings:

• The app provides a GPS location to pinpoint where you are recording the noise from.
• It has easy to use icons to indicate the type of noise and which room you are in when being affected.
• It means you can take action as the nuisance is happening.
• The app acknowledges that your recording has been received.
• Ultimately, the app provides a whole package to enable you to communicate easily with the Council. There’s no need to write letters or email, the app does it all for you.