Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Concerns about fracking raised

The Liberal Democrats on Bath & North East Somerset Council have raised concerns about fracking licences and fast tracked planning applications..

The former Liberal Democrat led council on Bath & North East Somerset previously raised concerns to any hydraulic fracking in the Mendip Hills over concerns about how this may affect the hot spa water that flows in Bath. The council were also successful in getting amendments to Somerset County Council mineral workings plan.

The concerns about hydraulic fracking were at the time supported by all political groups on the council.

The Government have announced that the will be encouraging hydraulic fracking across the country whilst at the same time putting restrictions on renewable energy.

This backward approach by the Conservative Government has led us to take action and we have written to both local Conservative MPs expressing our concern.

I would suggest that if you also have concerns that you also write to them expressing any concerns that you may have.

A letter sent by Bathnes Liberal Democrat leader to our 2 local Conservative MPs is below.

Dear Jacob and Ben,

I am very saddened to hear on the news this morning that your Governement is planning to fast track fracking planning applications.

Whilst we do not have any licences or applications at present it seems to me to be fundamentally flawed for central Government to be interfering in local affairs so dramatically. Any fracking application will generate a substantial amount of public interest and the the volume of work involved makes it very difficult to process such an application within 13 weeks.

I hope you will both be speaking out against your governments interference into local planning matters. 

It is indeed a pity that whilst you are persecuting benign forms of renewable energy such as land based wind you seem to be working hard to get fracking as quickly as possible.


Dine Romero
Leader B&NES LD

Public Consultation into proposal to close Bath Magistrates and Family Court

I am concerned at plans being put forward by the government could see the closure of Bath Magistrates court and also the family court that is important to many local people.

Below you will find details of a scrutiny panel enquiry day and i would suggest that anyone with concerns responds as soon as possible.

The Ministry of Justice has drawn up proposals to transfer the workload of the courts to Bristol. It’s also considering closing North Avon (Yate) Magistrates Court. However, Bristol Magistrates Court will not have the capacity to support the workload from both Bath and Yate.  Therefore, the response from the consultation process will help to inform the decision on whether either of the two proposals are implemented. 

To ensure local people’s view are heard, Bath & North East Somerset Council will be co-ordinating a public meeting on the plans at 11am on Friday 11th September in the Banqueting room in the Guildhall. 

Representatives from the Ministry of Justice will talk about the consultation process and Bath Magistrates Court, to provide an understanding of how the court is used.  There will be an opportunity to discuss the potential impact of the proposal and to help formulate Bath & North East Somerset Council’s response with relevant experts and key stakeholders. 

This is an important opportunity for people to make their views known on an issue that could have an impact on the effectiveness of our local court and the ease with which Bath & North East Somerset residents can access it.”

Members of the public are invited to express their comments on the consultation to the Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel in writing or during one of the time-limited slots at the meeting.

Written representations should be titled “Bath Magistrates Court consultation”, and sent to: Michaela Gay, Democratic Services, 2nd Floor, Guildhall, Bath, BA1 5AW, by fax to 01225 477314, or by email to Michaela_Gay@bathnes.gov.uk

To respond to this consultation on line: 

All representations should be received by 3rd September 2015.

No final decision on the proposals will be made until Bath & North East Somerset Council’ collective response has been reported back to the Ministry of Justice. The deadline date for the consultation is October 8, 2015.


Bath Family Court covers the following areas of law; Bankruptcy, High Court, Housing possession, Divorce, Money Claims, Domestic violence and Children.